Theatre Faculty
Theatre Faculty
Kimberly Shire
- Department Chair
- Associate Professor -Theatre
Kimberly Shire has an MFA in Directing Theatre for Young Audiences and Costume Design from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. While at UHM, Kimberly served as the Late Night Theatre Artistic Director and as staff reviewer for Hitting The Stage. Kimbe...
Julia Harris
- Part-Time Instructor - Theatre
Julia Harris is a Carroll Theatre alum and has been teaching in the department since 2018. Julia has beent performing and teaching for most of the last 20 years. She holds an MA in Theatre Arts (University of North Dakota), where she earned an I...
Amber Barnes
- Theatre Adjunct & Special Populations Coordinator
Amber Barnes is a Carroll College 2004 alum and the FLEX Marketing Director as well as the assistant to the Department Chair. She also is the Special Populations Coordinator in the Registrar's Office.She has been teaching, directing, assistant direct...
Clare Jose
- Theatre Production Technical Director
Anna Katherine Milburn
- Adjunct - Musical Theatre Instructor
Anna Milburn is a 2007 alumni of the Carroll College Theatre Department. She holds an Associates of Voice Performance from Casper College, and a Masters in Musical Theatre from the University of Montana. Anna has worked in Portland, Oregon, perf...
Katie Greenberg
- Adjunct - Costuming Instructor
Katie Greenberg currently owns an alteration studio, The Sewing Bee, in Downtown Helena. She has a lifetime of costuming and fashion influence and experience that started with her first sewing machine at 15. She holds a degree in Costume Design ...
Keri Jaynes
- Adjunct - Dance Instructor/Choreographer
Keri Jaynes is a woman of many talents. She holds a B.S. in Education from University of Montana-Western and an M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Montana Tech. She has been dancing for 42 years. Over her lifetime she has trained in New York...
Retta Leaphart
- Guest Teaching Artist - Puppetry Instructor
Retta is the current Education and Outreach Coordinator for the The Myrna Loy and serves on the Faculty at Grandstreet Theatre School. She grew up in Helena, and holds a BA in Acting and Directing (Middlebury College) and an MFA in Theater (Sara...
Errol Koch
- Stagecraft Adjunct
Sabrina Malecek
- Guest Teaching Artist - Scene Painting & Prop Artistry Instructor
Sabrina is a Carroll Alumnus, and holds BAs in Theatre and Interior Design. Sabrina also studied Properties Fabrication in an intensive at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London before being offered a Properties Fabrication internship with KA b...
Brandon Taylor
- Guest Teaching Artist - Choreographer
Brandon Taylor (he/him) is an actor/singer/dancer/musician from Hollister, California. He’s been singing, dancing, and playing music ever since. He started taking tap and ballet at San Benito Dance Academy when he was 12, and after three years w...
Kevin Casey
- Guest Teaching Artist - Comedy and Stage Combat Instructor
Kevin Casey is a Guest Teaching Artist for Comedy and Stage Combat.
Kal Poole
- Guest Teaching Artist - Shakespeare Instructor
Kal Poole (He, Him) is an accomplished Equity actor and educator. As a professional actor and director for over 20 years, he brings extensive experience to his role as a Guest Teaching Artist at Carroll College's Department of Theatre.With a BF...
Bailey Osborne
- Guest Teaching Artist - Mimeprov Advisor and Instructor
Bailey Osborne is a Guest Teaching Artist for Mimeprov.
Ross Peter-Nelson
- Guest Teaching Artist - Guest Instructor
Ross Peter Nelson is a playwright whose work has appeared in several states and across three continents. His work has been published in Ellipsis magazine and by Playground SF and Heartland Plays. His play Becoming Number Six recently took second plac...