Clare O'Malley, Customer Servant

Clare O'Malley photo

Clare O’Malley, Customer Servant 

Sodexo Catering Coordinator

"Taking the time to make a strong first impression, genuinely inquiring about a guest's needs, delivering on those needs, and mastering subtle details, all play a role in differentiating between acceptable and memorable service."

Clare O'Malley always delivers memorable service. She brings absolute joy to her work whether it be in the CUBE or at private meals. Clare loves to get to know students as she works. Her service goes far beyond the face-to-face transactions with students and faculty. As the Catering Coordinator for Sodexo, Clare is often working both on the frontlines and behind the scenes of Carroll's most important events. As such, the First Lady of Carroll College, Victoria Cech, has worked firsthand with Clare. Victoria said that working with Clare "doesn't feel like an employee is there doing a job. It feels like your good friend is there just lending a helping hand." Victoria also recalled how nervous she was prior to the first dinner that was held at her house after Dr. John Cech became president. 

Victoria said Clare calmed her nerves and assured her that she had everything under control. The ease and confidence with which Clare carried out her job eased her anxiety and put her at peace. Her professionalism and compassion puts hosts at ease.

"Extremely satisfied customers emerge through memorable and emotional connections forged between them and a business."

Clare brings warmth and joy to everything she does. Not only is Clare organized and prepared, she also exhibits a genuine interest in the people she serves. She takes pride in her job and puts both coworkers and customers at ease. She anticipates what people need and materializes at just the right moment to provide exceptional service.

Thank you Clare for serving our Carroll community with such a high level of service and with your lovely Irish sense of humor. Thanks for the love you put into serving others. We students have spent the semester studying the principles of leadership and customer service. We have studied organizations known for world-class customer service. We sought to find such an outstanding customer servant - and we unanimously agreed that person would be Clare O'Malley.

The Servant Leadership class of Fall 2020 are proud to honor Clare O'Malley as an exemplary Customer Servant.

We know of no one more deserving. Thank you.

SL Ceremony 2022

Cindy Moore, Claire O'Malley, and Allison Sever receive 2022 Carroll College Customer Servant Awards