Teacher Credential Resources

Interfolio: The Confidential Credential File Service


InterfolioCarroll College Career Services partners with Interfolio for the provision of a credentials file or "placement file" service for educators. Interfolio specializes in managing confidential files. A description of Interfolio and how to use it is on Career Services' webpage.

Their system is very user-friendly and easy to navigate and organize reference letters and other components of credential files. Please peruse the Interfolio website by clicking on the Intefolio logo image above, then see "interfolio credentialing service" on the left menu bar.  

As always, we wish you the best in your teaching career.

What About Paper-Based Credential Files?

Carroll Career Services phased out our paper-based credential file service in 2005. For any existing files housed with our department, we honored all of the requests for paid files for a period of ten years. Consistent with our policy, files in our possession that were inactive for a period of 10 years were destroyed. In May of 2016, any remaining paper-based credential files that remained in our possession were destroyed.

Resources for Education Seniors

What to Expect Your First Year of Teaching

First Year Teaching Resources

To Become a Teacher

  • Live mentoring for students
  • Expert career interviews (experts talk about their careers)
  • Career track information
  • Local job listings
  • Individual State licensing guidelines

Certification Requirements - All 50 States

Teaching Certification Requirements


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Guidelines for Selecting Resources

The first and most important criterion for any reference is the level to which s/he knows you. The more specific the writer can be in relating skills and potential (i.e. including examples and anecdotes to support the board, glowing statements, the more effective s/he can be in writing a strong letter or recommendation.

Secondly, the writer must have a favorable judgment of you and your abilities. If you are uncertain about this, ask the writer if s/he can write a strong letter of endorsement for you, not just "a letter or reference."

Thirdly, it is important for the writer to know a good deal about the type of employment or course or graduate study you are seeking. This allows the writer to speak with authority when professing that you are well suited for a particular line of work or study. HINT: Provide your references with a current resume to assist them in their task of writing a letter. 

How many References?

Generally, you should have three to five letters of recommendation on file. You may solicit more letters and then choose particular letters for different positions or schools. When an exact number is requested by a school district or hiring agency, send only that number; sending more or fewer indicates failure to follow instructions. Ideally, references should be obtained from both your academic professors and previous employers or supervisors.

How to Approach a Reference

  1. It is suggested that you make an appointment with your potential reference to discuss the possibility of his/her writing a positive letter of recommendation for you. At that time, you can both decide if this person is the most appropriate writer for you. If so, provide him/her with:
    • A current resume or curriculum vitae; possibly an addendum  indicating the qualities you want the writer to address.
    • A deadline for the recommendation requested.
    • A copy of the job description or graduate school information and your completed application if applicable.
  2. Discuss with the writer why you want to pursue this type of work or study and why you think that you are qualified. Make sure you reference clearly understands your career interests and goals.

Use of Telephone References

Sometimes, names of several people who may be contacted directly to discuss your back ground and qualifications may be requested. It is good practice to provide your interviewer with a list of names, title, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three people who have agreed to provide strong, verbal references for you. These may be the same people who have provided you with written letters of recommendation.

GOOD LUCK! Remember, luck tends to favor the well-prepared.