
National Suicide Lifeline - 988

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students.  A recent survey of college students indicated that 7% seriously considered suicide, and 1.5% actually attempted suicide (American College Health Association, 2013).

Although the statistics seem grim, most people who experience suicidal thoughts do move past the experience and lead a normal life. If you feel suicidal, please know that you are not alone, and help is available. During business hours (9:00-4:00) contact Counseling Services at 447-5441 or come directly to the Wellness Center. Outside of those hours, please call on-call Community Living, available any time day or night (406-459-0540). You may also call 911 or go directly to the hospital emergency room.

Suicide Warning Signs

  • Chronic sadness or depression
  • Withdrawing from friends and/or family
  • Direct or indirect statements (verbal or written) about suicide and/or hopelessness
  • Talking about a suicide plan
  • History of previous suicide attempt(s)
  • Marked change in usual patterns of behavior
  • Giving away money or valued possessions
  • Writing a will, good-bye letter or suicide note
  • Making comments like, “Everyone would be better off without me.” “What’s the point of living?”

Alcohol and other drugs increase the risk of suicide when the warning signs are present. If you believe a person is in imminent danger, do not leave him/her alone. Call 911.

How to Help a Friend using QPR

Question: Ask the question, even if it’s difficult.

  • Less direct approaches: Do you ever wish you could go to sleep and not wake up?…Sometimes when people are very unhappy, they think about hurting themselves? Do you ever feel that way?”
  • More direct approaches: Are you thinking about suicide?...Are you thinking of hurting yourself?

    Asking someone about suicide DOES NOT increase their risk or plant the idea in their mind. In fact, it may be a relief to be given permission to talk about it.

Persuade: Listen and offer hope.

  • Your goal in this step is to persuade the person to get help. In order to be successful, you must first listen without judgment and focus on hope. “I know you are in a difficult situation right now, but with help, I believe there will be other options…I want you to stay alive…Can I help you get help?

Refer: Get the person to a higher level of help. Provide as much support as you can (make the phone call, walk the person to Counseling Services, etc.)

  • Carroll College Resources
    • Counseling Services (406) 447-5441 (Basement of Guad Hall)
    • On-Call Community Living Staff (406) 459-0540
    • 911
    • St. Peter’s Hospital Emergency Room

What if my friend refuses to get help?

Don’t keep secrets about suicide. If you feel that your friend is in imminent danger, call one of the numbers listed above. Always take suicidal statements seriously.