HomHep.com $1400 Internet Marketing Scholarship

Our scholarship program is called “HomeHep.com $1400 Internet Marketing
Scholarship”. It’s designed to help the students who are currently
studying in the areas of Marketing. We run this scholarship program
every year.
Link to our scholarship page: https://homehep.com/scholarships
Award: $1400
Deadline: July 1st, 2021
Here is the list of our requirements:
1- Contact Information (Name. Date of Birth, and Mailing address)
2- Currently Studying
3- Quick Biography (300-500) words that will accompany your essay if it
is selected for our award. Share a little about yourself with everyone
that will read your essay.
Essay (Please include a 2000 word essay on the topic of "Should Plastic
be banned? And how you reduce the use of plastic at your home?")