
Library Instruction & Course Support

We offer in-person and virtual instruction sessions in person, live via Zoom, or pre-recorded sessions. Introducing students to Librarians and the Library typically encourages students to seek out Librarians and the Library more!

Our Librarians are eager to visit your class to teach on a wide range of topics:

  • Using Saints Search
  • Effectively searching databases specific to your discipline
  • Evaluating information resources, either library-owned or not
  • Selecting and refining research topic
  • Developing research/searching terms and strategies
  • Citing resources according to a specific style
  • Successfully using Zotero, the (free) citation and research management tool
  • And whatever else you can think of!

Library Instruction & Course Support can happen in a variety of ways:

  • One-time Instruction: A librarian leads one class session in the library computer lab or your regular classroom. These sessions work best with students have an assignment that requires certain resources and research skills. 
  • Multiple Instruction Sessions: Have two or more progressive instruction sessions to cover more of the research process.
  • Embed Library Resources in Moodle
  • Embed a Librarian in Class: Link students with a specific librarian who can offer personalized help to your students throughout their research assignments. 
  • Use our Video Tutorials: Link to our video tutorials in Moodle. To see what tutorials we have to offer, go here.
    • Not sure how to link to resources in Moodle?
    • Is there a topic you would like covered by a video tutorial? Let us know! 
  • Help Integrating Information Literacy into Courses: Librarians are eager to work with you to create Information Literacy-related assignments, brainstorm ways to incorporate Information Literacy into your courses, or help in any other way you we can.

Please contact the library to make arrangements for library instruction, embedding a librarian in your course, or let us know how else we can support you and your students! If possible, please submit your instruction and embedding a librarian requests at least two weeks in advance of the requested date.