The COVID-19 Crisis: How Can You Help?

Carroll College COVID-19 Update graphic

Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends,

In light of the ongoing spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and the speed at which things are changing in our communities, nation, and world, we realize this may be a time of concern and uncertainty for many of you. As we navigate through the weeks and possibly months ahead, we hope to concentrate on three key things:

1. Supporting You:

We, at Carroll College, want to extend our thoughts and prayers to all of you as we search for strength and solutions during this unprecedented time in all of our lives. If there is anything we can possibly do to offer support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Most especially, we want to share our heartfelt appreciation for the healthcare workers, local communities, governments, and individuals around the world who are on the front line working to contain this virus and deal with its aftermath.

2. Listening to the Experts

We are blessed with tremendous college leaders, who have been engaged in careful deliberation and planning as this situation has developed. As you may know, our president, Dr. John Cech, has announced Carroll’s decision to move to remote learning beginning this week. The college’s Incident Command Team will continue to respond to the evolving situation and take action to do what is best for our students, faculty, and staff. You can stay up to date on the most recent college developments at our COVID-19 (Coronavirus) website.

3. Continuing to Care for our Students

From near and far, we have had alumni and friends ask how they can help our students and our campus. We are in ongoing conversations with our students to minimize the stress and financial impact this situation could have on their lives. However, there will be students struggling to cover unexpected needs including travel home, basic needs, access to necessary resources for remote learning, or other unforeseen personal difficulties. We have a Student Emergency Fund set up to support our Saints to assist with necessary resources.

The college is also in a position where we must try to navigate through these uncertain financial times. If you are in a place where you can and would like to help support the college’s greatest needs, you can do so by giving online.

All of us in the Office of Institutional Advancement and at Carroll College will continue to hold you and your loved ones up in prayer. Thank you for your support of our students and our campus community.

Warmest Regards,

Reneé Wall  
Director of Alumni and Family Engagement
Office of Institutional Advancement