Carroll College COVID-19 Update: March 20, 2020

Carroll College COVID-19 Update graphic

In light of the ongoing spread of COVID-19, and the fact that many students have opted to return home to continue their on-line classes, I would like to communicate that we have made some adjustments to the parking regulations to make it easier for students who are still on campus to navigate around.  Starting today and going through the end of the academic year, we will monitor parking as follows:

  • Allow students who have purchased an A or B Permit to park in any A or B Lot on campus.
  • Suspend parking enforcement in the PE Center/HAC lots and the Campus Center Pay Lot – anyone can park here with or without a permit.  This will hopefully make it easier for students to pick up their take-out meals when needed.
  • We will continue to reserve the Faculty – Staff Lots for employees with F/S Permits as we still have many employees working hard on campus.
  • We will continue to cite vehicles that drive through the bollards on Hunthausen Way and/or park in front of the Chapel.  This is a safety issue for pedestrians, and need to make sure that folks are not driving through this area.
  • We will continue to reserve and monitor the 15 Minute parking spots for 15 minute parking to allow students quick and easy access to St. Charles Hall when needed.
  • We will continue to monitor fire lanes and handicap areas for safety reasons.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need any further assistance.  Good luck with the remainder of your semester and stay healthy.  

Jennifer Bingham
Business Operations & Administrative Services Manager