I want to start by thanking everyone who made the time to be here tonight to celebrate the achievements of the Associated Students of Carroll College. I want to especially thank Kathleen O’Leary, Annette Walstad, Dr. Glowienka, and Amy Honchell for being here today. I look forward to getting to know you all better and I look forward to making real change moving forward. Unfortunately, Dr. Cech could not be here today, but I want to thank him for his leadership on this campus.
I would also like Patrick Harris for the incredible job he does in managing Student Activities and organizations. Patrick is the oil that makes this machine run and the ASCC and Carroll College are extremely grateful for your commitment to making the student experience memorable.
To the outgoing ASCC Executive Officers: I thank you for your leadership and willingness to improve Carroll College. You have achieved incredible things in this last year and I am so honored to have served as a Senator under your leadership. You have set the groundwork for making Carroll College the Great Adventure that every student who steps on this campus will endure. Thank you!
Lastly, I would like to thank the 2022-2023 ASCC Senate. You guys have made this year incredibly fun and memorable. Thank you seniors for showing the underclassmen the way to greatness. I wish you all the best after graduation. Thank you juniors for keeping everyone engaged and as we step into our last year, let’s make the most out of everything. Thank you sophomores for being the only class to be timely with your class project. Those blenders and airfryers will be put to good use. Thank you freshman for being so engaged in our Senate meetings. It was a blast listening to you guys fight for the first motion and I have to say, I don't think I know who had the most motions at the end of the year. And last but not least, thank you to our non-traditional student representatives. I not only thank you for your service to our country, but I thank you for being the voice of reason when we need order.
While there are many goodbyes, there are even more hellos. Senators, Executives, Admin, Faculty: the time for change is now.
As you may or may not know, I am a one-semester president. Many people asked why I even bothered running for this position. Some said I did it for the “resume,” some said I did it for the “gram,” and some have even said I just want the power. But here’s the truth: I am here because I love Carroll College. My time here is almost over, but for generations to come, their time hasn’t even started. I want to leave a mark, not with my name, but with the great opportunity for adventure. I want students to show up to campus and be able to say “I found the adventure.” As students leave campus, I want to hear them say “I am proud to be a graduate of Carroll Colllege.” That starts with us, the Associated Students of Carroll College. Let’s make Carroll College a community that is empowered, equipped, and fostered.
Thank you all for being here today. Our work starts today for the adventure of tomorrow.