Election Judge Training for Paid Work

Carroll Campus
Simperman 231
Vote buttons in hands - Election

The county Elections office will hold training on our campus in April for students to work as Election Judges for the June 4 primary and/or the November 5 general election.  Election judges work at polling places to help voters sign in, get their ballot, and vote -- plus figure out trickier questions like whether the person will need to register before they can vote. The position is paid at the rate of $11/hour and judges typically have the option of working one or two six-hour shifts on election day.

The work requires a 3-hour training session (you'll also be paid for that time, so long as you end up working at least one election).  This year for the first time we will hold such a training session on the Carroll campus -- on Friday, April 12 from 1-4 p.m. in Simperman Hall, room 231.

This is fascinating and important work. Please email Dr. Alex Street (astreet@carroll.edu) if you are interested in attending, or if you have questions.