Kelly Cline

Professor - Math | Mathematics
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Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy. Ph.D. in Astrophysics from from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

See Dr. Cline's Google Scholar Profile

Famous for his packed public lectures in which he explores, examines, and explains astronomy, physics, and mathematics, Dr. Kelly Cline is not only an accomplished lecturer but also a gifted scholar and a world traveler. During the 2010-2011 year, Dr. Cline worked as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Stirling's Department of Computing and Mathematics in Scotland while on sabbatical. Dr. Cline spent the 2017-18 year visiting the Mathematics Department of the National University of Ireland in Galway. In continuing to work from the scholarly perspective on the pedagogy of classroom voting in mathematics, Dr. Cline's work reveals a new way in which instructors can keep their students engaged in course material.

To support his research, Dr. Cline, together with Dr. Holly Zullo, landed a $180,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for their project titled Project MathVote: Teaching Mathematics with Classroom Voting (2010-2013), demonstrating the important intersection of pedagogy and scholarship. Then, during his time at the University of Stirling, Dr. Cline introduced campus community to classroom voting while also beginning his oversite of the University Physics Competition, which has finished its seventh annual competition, with 197 entries from all over the world. Additionally, he has received two other major grants since beginning his work at Carroll -  a $100,000 grant from the NSF for MathQUEST: Math Questions to Engage Students (2006-2009) and a $250,000 from the W. M. Keck Foundation which funds the current Project InterStats:  Redesigning Statistics Education with Research Methods and Active Learning (2014-2018).

Dr. Cline is co-editor of the book Teaching Mathematics with Classroom Voting: With and Without Clickers (2011), published by the Mathematics Association of America.

Carroll College is fortunate to have a faculty member such as Dr. Cline who embodies the profession's dedication to teaching, research, and service. During his free time he enjoys gardening, piano, and traveling.

Dr. Cline takes a special interest in and enjoys coaching Carroll's annual Mathematical Contest in Modeling teams. As a student, he did the contest himself and found it to be an amazingly fun and powerful learning experience.  For more information about Carroll's participation in the MCM, see our pages here and as well as Dr. Cline's guide to the MCM.

Courses Taught
Statistics, Precalculus, Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Mathematical Modeling, Advanced Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, Applied Numerical Methods and Analysis, Astronomy, and Introduction to Data Science.


Ph.D. in Astrophysics, University of Colorado