Carroll Announces Permanent Closure of Pool

Carroll College officials announced on March 8, 2015 the permanent closure of the PE Center indoor swimming pool.

Recent assessments of the swimming pool facility found that the walls and roof of the building housing the pool do not meet current building codes and given a seismic event, pose a significant safety risk. After evaluating the costs associated with reinforcing the structure, replacing the aging pool, and taking into consideration the historical use by the college student body, Carroll officials determined that a cost effective solution could not be developed that would maintain the operation of the swimming pool facilities.

After reviewing the engineering reports submitted to Carroll College, the official decision to close the pool was made by the college’s Board of Trustees on February 27, 2015.

"Carroll is proud to have been able to provide an indoor swimming pool as a community resource for over 44 years and we value the community partnerships that have developed as a result," said Tom McCarvel, Carroll College Vice President of Facilities and Community Relations. "Our hope is that the community can come together to find an alternative location so that Helena’s strong swim tradition is maintained."